
Interim Management

Corporate restructuring from professionals

What are the tasks of an interim manager? I would like to show you what are typical functions of an interim manager and illustrate this with an example company.

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My name is Michael Tysiak

I would like to introduce you. My name is Michael Tysiak and I am an Interim manager. My job is to lead your company as CEO and CFO for a limited time and to assist you in achieving your business goals.

See my manager profile



I worked for several companies at home and abroad. Here you can see a selection of my references.

CEO / CFO - Biobase GmbH

CFO - id pharma GmbH

Finance Director - Mister Minit GmbH

Financal Manager - Procter & Gamble

Consultant - StartUp companies

My portfolio Interim Manager Michael Tysiak

I work successfully for many years as a company restructuring specialist and would like to introduce you.

Interim Management

Companies these days are facing more challenges than ever before. Globalization, digitization and increased competition drive managers to come up with flexible decisions in a short period of time.

As such, when important company structures and processes are not well suited for these dynamic changes, the company cost explode to cater such demands.


My contribution as interim manager is to assist companies in such a difficult phase. Most of the time, companies are already facing financial difficulties when they realize the need of an expert’s advice. Contact

Michael Tysiak

Interim Manager


Restructuring & Turnaround

Restructure and successful turnaround of a company.

M&A und Post Merger

Manage the acquisition process and the after merger integration, evaluate potential acquisition candidates.

Growth and internationalization

Measures to promote growth and internationalization of companies, outsourcing.

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Customer reviews

  • We are extremely thankful to Michael for his outstanding performance as a CEO. He implemented very important restructuring measures, lead strict cost management, and brought our company to a successful direction. He changed the company strategy and achieved continious growth, profitability and triggered high motivation of employees, who maintained their loyalty even in difficult times.

    Dr. Stefan Beil, Sobera Capitals formerly Chairman,
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