
As an interim manager, I worked with different companies worldwide. The focus of my work is the implementation of restructuring and reorganization measures.

Do you want to know more about the work of an Interim Manager? Then, then here is an example situation where interim managers are urgently needed.

For example, when companies are in financial difficulties, how do managers respond to the situation?

Example situation


Bridging vacancies

In need of short-term and temporary management staffing.

Growth and internationalization

Developing new markets and outsourcing.

Reconstruction/ Rehabilitation

Avoid insolvency and to achieve the turnaround

Fundraising & Finance

Help in raising capital and financing.

M&A, Post Merger integration

Assist acquisitions and takeovers.


Interim managers are specialists. We align ourselves with our specialized knowledge and our network of partners in the company. More information can be found here: Partners

Interim Managers do not have fixed salaries. The company does not have to pay social security contributions and save hiring costs and time. Interim managers work on the basis of results.

+ Know-how expertise

+ Availability upon short notice

+ Excellent crisis management

+ Access to network of partners

+ No hiring cost

  • No fixed salaries




I would like to answer your open issues in a personal conversation. However, I need preliminary background information about your company and your goal of mutual cooperation.

Please fill out the following contact form.

After reviewing your documents, I contact you immediately.

I have a high level of management and technical expertise and I accompany your business in a special situation for a limited time period.

Advantages not only due to the rapid addition of special know-how, but also on the cost side.

So I pay for my health insurance as an interim manager by myself, also for my pension and my own holidays.

If you want to get answered important questions in advance, you can send an e-mail or contact me by telephone. You can reach me usually on +49 (0) 163/6897425 or Skype MTysiak.




Non binding inquiry

About your company
